The principal purpose of the Local Governance Think Tank is to undertake research and promote public debate and understanding of the nature of local governance. We draw a sharp contrast between this and local government. The first is the essence of how people play a role in shaping their own futures and those of their communities. The second is simply the current set of administrative arrangements which have evolved over the years for handling a range of local services.
Our commitment is to bring these two closer together so that ultimately they are two sides of a single coin; local governance understood as ‘voice, choice and control for communities over decisions that affect their place’ (with communities including mana whenua as this country’s original place managers); local government recognised as the administrative mechanism whose primary role is to support and implement choices made by its communities.
We do this through a number of means including acting as a link between interested communities and councils in New Zealand, and leading-edge researchers, practitioners think tanks and others globally. In doing so we build on the often poorly understood reality New Zealand local government has both the strongest mandate in the developed world for enabling and promoting local governance and a statutory obligation to do so.
The current practical manifestation of this is our choose localism strategy which brings together two separate streams of research and practice. The first enables councils, working collaboratively with others in their district, to take control of the local economy for the benefit of local residents and businesses. The second supports the establishment of inclusive self-identifying communities with the capability to take the lead role in determining their needs and priorities and how they are best addressed including critically who should take what responsibility for resourcing individual initiatives and for delivering them.
The Local Governance Think Tank is apolitical in that it does not advocate for specific ideologies or interests. Instead its focus is on raising community understanding of the essence of local democracy including disseminating research and understanding of what has worked in different jurisdictions, and how international experience could assist in improving local governance in New Zealand. We couple this with promoting intelligent and informed discussion about New Zealand’s different public sector and other mechanisms which exercise a governing role.
We currently have two key workstreams. Through these we are taking a close look at:
“Democratic wellbeing means that we all have a voice in decisions that affect us. It’s about recognising that wellbeing cannot be done to people. It must be done by and with them.
A lack of trust is undermining democracy and its institutions. This will be compounded if existing and new efforts to adopt more forms of participatory democracy are unable to deliver change and demonstrate impact.” Carnegie UK Trust
Our objectives
“Learning and innovation go hand in hand. The arrogance of success is to think that what you did yesterday will be sufficient for tomorrow.”
- Willam Pollard, Quaker (1828-1893)
Why the Think Tank is important
“I’m calling for a Ministry of Possibilities to be established within the Welsh Government, bringing together the brightest and the best from local government, private sector, the voluntary sector and industry to develop new ideas and approaches.” Sophie Howe, the first Future Generations Commissioner for Wales.